Free Guide: Introduction to the Farming of Ginger in Galuku Coir substrate
Growing ginger and turmeric in coir substrate can greatly improve quality and yield. It helps to address challenges like soil diseases.
Let us help you expertly transition your ginger farms to the latest growing methods. Our research and development is here to benefit you, and we’ve created an introductory guide to growing ginger that you can download for FREE below.
What’s in the guide?
- Advantages of growing ginger in coir substrates
- Information on substrate consideration
- Irrigation infrastructure consideration
- Information on drainage and monitoring solutions
Growing ginger in cocopeat
Grow hydroponic ginger with coir substrate (cocopeat) as your growing medium. Growing ginger in cocopeat can improve the essential oil content, increase fibre, and intensify potency, flavour and aroma of your ginger crop. Plus hydroponic ginger in coir gives you the ability to cultivate your own clean ginger rhizome pieces.

Reduced disease through soilless ginger cultivation
Unlike soil where disease entering one plant infects and ruins the whole patch, soilless ginger cultivation has less risk of disease and pests. Given so many diseases are born from the soil itself, the nature of soilless growing means your growing media is guaranteed to be clean from the outset. Plus, each plant is contained in its own bag, so if any pest or disease does make its way into one plant, this one can simply be removed and the others continue to grow.